Judging Winners

Winners of the Judging for 2021

All eligible entries from the Fall Showcase of Homes are separated into divisions by house price and are judged on the first weekend.

Division 1 - Homes over $899,000

        #9                StoneBridge Builders, LLC
                            15351 Old Territorial Rd SE, Chatfield

Division 2 - Homes between $700,000 and $899,000

        #13              Maplewood Custom Homes
                            2160 Thea Ln SW, Rochester

Division 3 - Homes between $550,000 and $699,000

        #12              Jim Kostroski Construction, LLC
                           3229 Yellow Rose Ln SW, Rochester

Division 4 - Homes between $400,000 and $549,000

        #2                Bigelow Homes
                            290 Lehman Ln NE, Byron

Division 5 - Homes less than $400,000

        #16              DeWitz Home Builders, Inc.
                            6218 Sandstone St NW, Rochester