Winners of the Judging for 2021
All eligible entries from the Fall Showcase of Homes are separated into divisions by house price and are judged on the first weekend.
Division 1 - Homes over $899,000
#9 StoneBridge Builders, LLC
15351 Old Territorial Rd SE, Chatfield
Division 2 - Homes between $700,000 and $899,000
#13 Maplewood Custom Homes
2160 Thea Ln SW, Rochester
Division 3 - Homes between $550,000 and $699,000
#12 Jim Kostroski Construction, LLC
3229 Yellow Rose Ln SW, Rochester
Division 4 - Homes between $400,000 and $549,000
#2 Bigelow Homes
290 Lehman Ln NE, Byron
Division 5 - Homes less than $400,000
#16 DeWitz Home Builders, Inc.
6218 Sandstone St NW, Rochester